
The making of a dress - overview

When I was a young bride and planning my wedding, I wanted my dress to be really spectacular.  I had big plans and even bigger dreams - but I had to do it all on a very tight budget.  So I took inventory of what I had to work with.  Sewing skills - check, money - some, imagination - check, determination - double check!

Here is the result:

I designed my own gown based off the skills I was learning while earning my fashion design degree.  I took elements that were important to me in what I wanted in a gown and combined them.  I used my pattern drafting skills to create the pattern but there are a number of patterns on the market that can be altered into the style that suits you.  The biggest mistake I made was not giving myself enough time to feel calm in the process.  I think that is important.  You don't want any negative energy in the planning of your wedding.

So, am I recommending that a bride take on the extra job of creating her own bridal gown on top of everything else she has to do,  well - yes!  If you are even thinking that this is an option for you, and your wedding is well enough in the future,  it is atleast worth the time to research this option. In these tutorials I will be encouraging you to go out into the bridal shops and try dresses on to see what fits and flatters you best.  If, in the process you meet up with your dream dress - congratulations!  There are beautiful dresses available to purchase out there - you may even want to buy an already made gown and change things up a bit. Whatever you choose, I hope my advice can be found helpful.  You can save a lot of money and be extremely proud of the result. 

As complicated as making a bridal gown seems and admittedly can be, the whole process can be broken down and completed in steps.  Give yourself plenty of time and enjoy the journey.  You are gauranteed that no one else will ever have a dress like yours!

1 comment:

Channing Kari said...

No prob on using my photos for the other, Deb. I totally appreciate you crediting me, and if that's the case you can use them any way you want!
Remember to shoot me an email to do another shoot if you want--I love doing it and you make such beautiful things!